I wished by angeline pompei
Lullaby song about finding "home"
This song is an adult lullaby. It's about wishing, and feeling at home.
Feeling at home is often a feeling many of us take for granted. You can feel at home in a place, with a person or people, or simply with yourself.
When we don't have a stable home (physical or mental), we feel unstable/unsafe. Over long periods of instability, It can cause symptoms of anxiety and depression. When we feel lost we begin searching.
In this song I write:
"lost souls are looking for a home
a home of their own,
home is where,
my heart wants to go"
I felt homeless at one point in life. I thought of many people when I was searching for home. I hoped people would show up I can call home, I looked up into the sky and wished on a star and thought of those who have died. I thought a lot about my past and about the people that loved me unconditionally. My grandparents often came to mind who helped raise me and my siblings for my first 10 years of life. These thoughts made me feel at home when I felt displaced or when I lost who I was.
From my experience, I realized, you can't depend on getting that feeling of home from others. You need to build your own 4 walls in your mind and when you feel lost or homeless, you have to go back, to where you came from to regain your bearings.
This song is also meant to shed light when you feel lost or hopeless.
Wishing upon a star gives us hopes and dreams. We are sometimes told not to dream as adults with spoken or unspoken words. We are told dreams are not realistic but dreams are important because they give us hope.
Hope, dreams and faith are one. We need hopes and dreams to fuel our passions to do the work needed to get to where we want to be. If there is a will there is a way.
This adult lullably has a mixed feeling of reality vs imaginary. Art becomes part of the scene. At the end of the song, I write:
"I wish again this starry night"
I am referring to the famous painting Starry Night By Vincent Van Gogh. I imagine his starry night swirling in the background where the person becomes part of his painting or vice versa.
If you are using this song to learn English, the focus is really the verb Wish in present and past tense wished, along with w-sounds which are often difficult for non-native English speakers.
I Wished