from album verbiage

I LIke Work

song about going living your passion and for workaholics

This song is about my past and reminds me to keep going. I was a skincare marketer for 20 years. I shifted towards creating a new life and identity for myself as an author, artist and also revisiting my engineering roots.

Nothing in life worth while is easy. There is a Japanese saying that 1% improvement a day is progress and I remind myself of that daily.

Nothing in life is guaranteed and I can only be as good as I am today in the present. I am who I am, I am where I am in life. Some days I can make big strides, other smaller strides.

Work is time. Time is limited. We see a lot of motivational posts on instagram that tell us we can do anything we put our mind to. While this is true, living your passion is hard work. You work longer and harder to actually do what you are passionate about, it's just more enjoyable.

Children are a good example of enjoyable work. In this song I also say I love being a mom. I love being a mother. I was fortunate enough to have a lot of time with my kids when they were young. I miss those days. As much as it hurts as kids get older and don't have the same needs, I try to see it as an opportunity to focus on myself again and see circumstances in a positive way.

If you are using this song to learn English, verbs to focus on are Like and Work.