song about love and Argentinian tango
This song is about a Milonga. A Milonga is an event with Argentinian dance including tango. Argentina is rich of culture and dance. I went to Argentina a long time ago and went to a Milonga. It was a great experience. Maybe this is why I wear my signature red dress in my Spotify profile.
This song goes through what happens in a Milonga.
"she spoke with her eyes, he nodded at his prize"
This is how the Milonga starts. The female makes eye contact with a male then nods. This signals him to the dance floor. They will typically dance 4 songs or tango songs. I write some of the steps in tango as well:
"walk cross break
they dance the figure eight
embrace cut rotate"
This song is about love, romance and about culture. I love exploring different cultures. So many countries have rich history and traditions which should be preserved.
The second half of this song says
"he wore black and white
before she added light
black white then red
milonga began"
Basically I am trying to express that his world was lacking life or color. She added light, white being all colors, emerges light, beginning with red being, first color of a rainbow and visible light spectrum. The male was saw black until she brought light...and that light ignited signifying love, fire, excitement.
In the first pre-chorus I write
"they danced across the room,
they danced in cresent moons
they danced to this tune"
Later...there is a build up of passion and exitement which leads to romantic action
"they made love under the moon,
they made love Sunday afternoon,
they made love to this tune"
This is a fun song about the excitement of falling in love or an encounter that turns to lust. Interpret it as you wish. It's a playful song and I wanted to add a Phantom of the Opera feel, hence the
"ha ha ha ha" at the end of the song.
I added this ending to lend a bit of playfulness to lighten the intensity of the romance to bring forth a musical theatre feeling and experience.
If you are using this song to learn English, song focus is pronouns he, his, and they mainly.