
empowerment song, song for strength
This song is a great song I listen to everyday to remind yourself you are stronger than you think. Listen to the lyrics, say it out-loud to yourself...
"I am a warrior, I am strong"
I think artists write music for different reasons. This song means a lot of me on many different levels. It reminds me where I've been and also reminds me of where I"m going.
This song was my least favorite song to record but it ended being the most important song in my album.
I originally wrote this song with the verb TO BE (I will be, I am, I was - past tense) in mind because I use my music to teach English. After I wrote this song, listened to it played back to me, it brought me to tears. I was weak, physically, mentally, and now my own words speak to me telling me: I am strong.
I made these songs with the purpose of making songs for adults to learn English but they ended filling a part of me that was empty. As I became an artist, I started to think of how amazing it would be if my music, especially this song warrior, could help heal people who maybe felt weak, people who couldn't get out of bed in the morning...people who wanted to give up. I thought to myself, if I could help one person out there, it would be worth while....then I reminded myself that it already helped one person. It helped me. I am worthy.
"I am a warrior, I am strong, I am unstoppable."
If you need to be reminded that you matter, you are not weak, you are special, you are a warrior, you are strong, listen to this song first thing in the morning.